Having slacked sooo heavily on the blogging department of my life.. I've realised I didn't write a New Year's resolution post at the beginning of 2012, which makes my '
2012 Resolution Review' invalid for this entry. =( It's a shame since its always fun reading back at what I wrote about wanting to achieve the year before and reminisce at my ambitious attempts and failures.
But I shall continue on with the tradition and give a-year's-older-me the satisfaction of laughing at my current self in 2013.
Before doing that though, I think its a good opportunity for me to reflect on how 2012 has impacted me and the life experiences I've learnt from it. I would say overall, 2012 has been a year full of more positives than negatives. First, I managed to fulfil my high-school ambition by gaining a place to study abroad for the year in Australia and this event in itself has taught me a lot about myself. Despite having not completed my year abroad as of yet, the last few months that I was alone has broadened my perceptions on life "beyond the well". Independence comes with responsibility and I found myself taking on far too much and ultimately I became so wrapped in the possibility of change - either changes in myself or the people and environment that I was beginning to adapt to before I left UK.
The beginning of 2012 was definitely a time of happiness for me -
love, joy, grace were something that I didn't realise I had until I left them for a country so far away. Ultimately, as I mentioned before, I have learnt to appreciate and its important to keep in mind that sometimes, change is good for the better. Even if its for worse, you recognise who's there for you and those who aren't worth having in your life will show their true colours.

Aside from that, I have found myself travelling a lot in 2012. From Brussels, Hong Kong, Brisbane, Sydney to Malaysia, many great memories from these places will forever be embedded in my memory, and I hope I will make the most of my time in Australia next semester and continue on my travels before my bank breaks! haha
With all my
New Year's resolutions, they never last beyond the first week of January, so rather making 'New Year's' resolutions, I'll just stick to personal aims which I want to conquer by the end of this year as opposed to tackling habits which die hard!
Something I successfully did in Oz, but failed after coming back to UK for Christmas. I'm definitely not a summer person, so in one aspect, I'm glad I've managed to avoid the scorching heat that is being experienced in Brisbane right now, but on one hand, I have noticed a positive correlation between staying fit and healthy and a rise in environmental temperature! haha
♥ Saying YES to opportunities and take the plunge in trying more new things!
If there is anything that I learnt in my first semester at UQ, it has to be to grow some balls and make more of an effort in trying new things and meet more people! I'm not going to lie, but making a good bunch of friends was hard in Oz, but I'm hoping because I go back during a start of a new academic year, there will be better opportunities to meet more interesting people and join different societies (albeit.. UQ doesn't really have a good set of social societies.. )
♥ Visit KOREA!!
YES. This has been on the top of my bucket list for a LONG time.. I'm hoping to book my tickets next week and join my two friends from UK to go on a two week adventure round the beautiful country of South Korea in Easter time! =)
♥ Blog more
I say this almost every year to myself.. but I never seem to truly dedicate a set time to blog. Mainly because I'm just generally a lazy person and at the same I'm a perfectionist. Most of the time, if not, all the time, I start writing posts which I think are interesting, but then they end up sitting in Drafts gathering dust because I always think it can be improved later. But at the end of the day when I do find time to go back to it, I lose the motivation or the 'moment' of when I first wrote it and it ends up being out-dated. To this day, I have about 20 posts sitting in drafts... I think for now, I need to focus on my travel blog more!
♥ Be more organised
I am absolutely rubbish at keeping my life organised. I tend to be a more of in-the-moment kinda person.. but I think its important to stay on top with everything and especially I have a busy year ahead of me, I need to learn to use a diary continuously! Every diary that I've ever bought in my life have always been out-of-use by the time it hits the one-month mark! I think I just need to find the 'right' diary.. :p - yea I'm a stationary snob!
♥ Build up my CV and my future
It's that time where we all need to grow up and hit the tedious process of job hunting after graduation. As much as I want to stay young forever... I need to start building on my CV and future ambitions! I'm hoping to gain an internship at a bank in London this summer to prepare myself for 3rd year.. or in my terms.. 4th year! YIKES! ><
With this.. I'm going to say goodbye to 2012. You were a year that taught me a lot and a year that I will never forget. =)
I'm hopeful 2013 will bring me more unforgettable memories!