Saturday, 4 January 2014

Hey Ho, its 2014!

Ever since my last blogging activity in February last year, I've come to terms that public blogging isn't really my sort of thing anymore. As much as I'd like to use this as a venting playground for my interests and thoughts or a virtual space to hone my inter web creativity, I don't really see much point exposing my vulnerabilities. Because most likely after everything personal I write on here, whether remotely private or not, I regret almost immediately for revealing anything.

I thought about keeping it very platonic, but at the end of the day.. blogging requires a lot of time and effort and I've got too much on my plate to handle this year. So from now, I'm just going to go private but who knows... maybe one day I'll comeback and find something actually interesting to write about!

But one must not forget to reflect! After all, its a start of a new year, and I'm bored with revision. Ever since I started blogging, making new years resolutions and reflecting back on my resolutions prior was an amusing activity of mine. This -- I don't mind sharing because I'm sure a few of you will probably gain some laughs.

This was what I signed myself up for for the year 2013:

Something I successfully did in Oz, but failed after coming back to UK for Christmas. I'm definitely not a summer person, so in one aspect, I'm glad I've managed to avoid the scorching heat that is being experienced in Brisbane right now, but on one hand, I have noticed a positive correlation between staying fit and healthy and a rise in environmental temperature! haha 
♥ Saying YES to opportunities and take the plunge in trying more new things!  
If there is anything that I learnt in my first semester at UQ, it has to be to grow some balls and make more of an effort in trying new things and meet more people! I'm not going to lie, but making a good bunch of friends was hard in Oz, but I'm hoping because I go back during a start of a new academic year, there will be better opportunities to meet more interesting people and join different societies (albeit.. UQ doesn't really have a good set of social societies..  
♥ Visit KOREA!!  
YES. This has been on the top of my bucket list for a LONG time..  I'm hoping to book my tickets next week and join my two friends from UK to go on a two week adventure round the beautiful country of South Korea in Easter time! =)
♥ Blog more 
I say this almost every year to myself.. but I never seem to truly dedicate a set time to blog. Mainly because I'm just generally a lazy person and at the same I'm a perfectionist. Most of the time, if not, all the time, I start writing posts which I think are interesting, but then they end up sitting in Drafts gathering dust because I always think it can be improved later. But at the end of the day when I do find time to go back to it, I lose the motivation or the 'moment' of when I first wrote it and it ends up being out-dated. To this day, I have about 20 posts sitting in drafts... I think for now, I need to focus on my travel blog more!
♥ Be more organised  
I am absolutely rubbish at keeping my life organised. I tend to be a more of in-the-moment kinda person.. but I think its important to stay on top with everything and especially I have a busy year ahead of me, I need to learn to use a diary continuously! Every diary that I've ever bought in my life have always been out-of-use by the time it hits the one-month mark! I think I just need to find the 'right' diary.. :p - yea I'm a stationary snob!
♥ Build up my CV and my future  
It's that time where we all need to grow up and hit the tedious process of job hunting after graduation. As much as I want to stay young forever... I need to start building on my CV and future ambitions! I'm hoping to gain an internship at a bank in London this summer to prepare myself for 3rd year.. or in my terms.. 4th year! YIKES! ><

Reading it back again now, I think I'm pretty proud of myself for achieving almost all of it with the exception of blogging..! I think rather than making resolutions, setting yourself targets and aims would be a better way of wording it. Maybe its a psychological thing - that the world 'resolutions' are just meant to be the broken. :p
I think more importantly, being reasonable and realistic with yourself is a good guide to making it through. With a bit of determination and motivation, anything is possible. Cheesy? Yes, I think so too, but its so true at the same time.

I don't think I will ever forget the year 2013 - it was a year I got to travel to so many different places, a year I let go of so many things that weren't worth holding on to and a year I gained so much experience and positivity. I literally can't tell you how much happier I am now compared to this time 12 months ago. I genuinely hope 2014 will only be onwards and upwards from now!

My targets this year for 2014: 

♥ Continue to lead a healthier lifestyle with more determination to hit the gym as often as I can! 
♥ Make it through the last hurdle of Uni before I graduate! 
♥ Plough through the dire process of job applications! 
♥ Make it to the west side of the globe and hit American soil for a road trip to remember! ;) 
.. and maybe find a nice guy! ♥ hahahaha 

Anyways. I'll leave it at that. Till next time! ;)