Saturday, 9 June 2012

(All) things sweet and beautiful ;)

I don't have much experience in baking, so deciding to make Red Velvet Cupcakes the other day was definitely an ambitious attempt to eliminate my post-exam boredom! I found a cookbook at home which contained a series of sweet recipes in which I saw red velvet! In hope it would taste anything like the ones you get at LOLA's, London.. I tried as hard as possible to stick to the instructions so I don't screw up. Lols. 

And the end result... 

It tasted like salty crap. lol 

Yea... in the cookbook, it said I should add 1 tsp of salt, and instead of interpreting it as teaspoon, I used a tablespoon. *facepalm* MAJOR FAIL! lol Oh wells, I guess I'll learn for next time! On the other hand, it looks like one? xP 

Lola's Cupcakes -- what they should taste like ;P 

Laduree Macaroons -- absolute LUSH! 
My next goal -- some ridiculously expensive Macaroons which you can make under £5 for a batch of at least 10. ;) Watch this space! Haha 

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