Saturday, 30 October 2010


I have to admit.. dressing up really isn't my kinda thing. I'm a bit of a lazy sod (who's also pretty poor atm!), so when it comes to costume hunting.. I'm not the type of gal you'd want to go with as I'm not particularly creative in that department!

So, as you'd have thought.. finding something to wear for a halloween party was like getting blood out of a stone for me especially with my extremely low budget!! Originally.. I thought I'd go as a ninja (inspired by one of Michelle Phan's ninja video last year) because.. tbh, its just sticking a t-shirt over your head and BAM you're a ninja! EASY! Well.. I thought about it again, and decided I'll probably get too hot, and die of suffocation and importantly, how else am i going to drink? Pull it down every time? nahh i think not!

My other alternative was a 'flower woman'? lol. Nono, not the hippie type, but more of a makeup kinda idea inspired by this Japanese makeup guru on youtube whos an absolute genius. Check her out below.

So I went out to buy a flower corsage from Primark specifically for it.. It was actually a major fail on my part.. it didnt look that great tbh. Another dilemma I had was that I didnt have anything to wear with it.. hmm 

Therefore, my last resort was to go as a cat. £2.50 spent on cat ears and a collar that had a bell! (unfortunately, my bell was ripped off, and i lost my cat ears in the club) Annnd here was my final look... lol 

haha looking wilddd? lol 

I actually had a pair of green circle lens on.. perfect for the occasion! 

just general goofing around.. 

Happy Halloweeen everybody! =)) 

Friday, 29 October 2010

There ain't no party like an S CLUB partayy!

Last week was such a hectic week for me! I went out on Monday for a pub quiz (didn't win unfortunately.. lol) and on Tuesday, I went to see....... S CLUB 3 -- yep, you read it right!! lol

Diminished to only 3 members, Jo, Bradley, and Paul, I have to admit, it was a pretty good night! It revived many of my childhood memories. I remember so vividly when me and my little friends used to imitate them and have mini concerts outside on the playground during lunch time in year 4! I was always chosen to be Tina.. just because I had dark hair! .. oh good times!

Obviously a REACH moment there! xD 

Jo (my ex-favourite member.. before her racist media explosion)

Paul -- who has gotten FAT! 

annd Bradley.. who hasn't changed at all! 

Me and my flatmate Emily <3 

Definitely one of my best moments in Uni so farr! =)) Halloween party tomorrow.. I've decided to go as a cat, but I'll leave that for another post!

Monday, 11 October 2010

Topshop Student 20% off excitement!

So for all Topshop lovers out there, if you didn't know, Topshop had a special event catered specifically towards us poor students! xP
20% off on all their stock between 6-10pm on specific days depending where you are in the UK. Although it started 2 weeks ago, there are still a few places doing it this week! Soo.. if you're interested, check out their facebook event!

So in Leeds, the event happened last week for 2 days. I went with my friend to check it out on wednesday. We got there at about 5.45pm and the queue was already like a mile long already! o_O; But luckily... as soon as they opened their doors, it moved pretty quickly. But as you imagine, with a queue that long... the place was pretty crowded!

I managed to find 2 pieces of clothing that I quite liked.. but the queue to the changing rooms was maahoosive, so they had to direct half of the line towards the Topman changing rooms which wasn't so bad of a wait after all!

So enough talk.. here's what I managed to get.

An oversized knitted shawl cardigan 

Drape pocket Hareem trousers 

The two combined was £78 but with the 20% off, it came to £62.40.. T_T My bank account is running dry far too quickly nowadays! But since I spent over £50, they gave me a free fabric Topshop bag with a few goodies such as a mirror, sweets and some face cream. =))

I've never actually bought any trousers from Topshop before, and the idea of hareem style never really appealed, but for some reason, I really liked the ones I bought! 

But yeah.. I can't afford to spend anymore now. I need to start living like a hermit again! xP 

Saturday, 9 October 2010


Again... LONG NO SEE for the Nth time!

I'm now well and alive in universityy! =)) I moved in about 3 weeks ago, but it feels like I've been here for MONTHS!! In short, my experience here has been nothing but amazing! I have the nicest flatmates and I've met the greatest of all people hence the lack of time I have updating this blog! >_<

My perception of university has always been party party party.. and yes, it really is.. LOL! Work is starting to pile up.. if you don't know, I'm doing Economics and Geography with Japanese as one of my electives. Sooo, you can imagine the workload I'm getting atm! AHHH!

oh wells.. as they all say.. work hard, play harder! hahah xP

and just a few pictures...

andd.. my room! (before messy!) 

my view =)) 

I guess thats all for now! I'll try and keep things updated as often. =))